Blog / 23 Aug 2017

#Newsfeed: The humble hashtag turns 10; Dubset makes Sony the first major label legalised for remixing; The solar eclipse was bigger than last four Super Bowls on Facebook



Plus should Google own the verb “google”?


Facebook, giving back publishers a piece of their identities, is letting them display their logos alongside headlines. In a move that’s aimed to prevent Facebook users from attributing news to “something I read on Facebook”, the visual cue will also enhance brand recognition amongst publishers. In its blog post announcing the new logo option, Facebook noted a Pew Research survey in which only 56 percent of readers recalled the source of news read through social media sites.

Read more about this new feature here.


Read more about the hashtag’s 10th birthday here.


Chance The Rapper has taken to Instagram to tease new music. The short video clip, captioned with “Mr. #1dubplate” reveals samples from Soul for Real’s 1995 single “Every Little Thing I Do” and The Gap Band’s “Outstanding.”

Read more about this story here.


Spotify and Apple Music could soon get the legal grey area of music like remixes and DJ sets that today live unofficially on SoundCloud. Sony Music Entertainment today became the first major record label to allow its music to be monetised through unofficial mixes thanks to a deal with rights clearance startup Dubset. That means Sony’s master recordings will be indexed by Dubset, and rights holders will be compensated even if just a tiny one-second snippet of their song is used in a DJ set or remix.

Read more about this game-changing deal here.



JADEN JAM: Sesame Street has turned ‘Despacito’ into a song about rubber ducks.

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