Blog / 14 Jul 2017

#Newsfeed: Pandora ANZ will disappear on 31 July; India overtakes the USA to become Facebook’s #1 country; SoundCloud only has enough money to last for another 50 days



Plus the man turning Instagram Stories into interactive games.


The latest figures that Facebook is reporting to advertisers indicate that India has overtaken the United States to become the platform’s largest country audience. As of July 13th, Facebook is reporting a total “potential audience” of 241 million active users in India, compared to 240 million in the United States.

Read more about this story here.


Read The Telegraph’s argument here.


One digital creative based in San Francisco is coming up with some innovative ways to use Instagram Stories. Pablo Rochat’s latest project involves hacking the “tap to skip” and “press and hold to pause” functions on Instagram Stories to create interactive games, with Rochat posting a new game on his Instagram account every other day.

Read more about this genius idea here.


In an email to its Australian and New Zealand subscribers on Thursday, Pandora has confirmed the service will be “shutting down” on 31 July. The troubled music streaming service failed to find profitability under former CEO Tim Westergren who departed last month

Read more about this story here.



JADEN JAM: Scientists have created a musical instrument you can play with just your thoughts.

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