Blog / 26 Jun 2017

#Newsfeed: Instagram tests new way to share posts privately; Facebook trialling a revamped Videos tab; YouTube now has 1.5 billion monthly logged-in viewers



Plus how to use Spotify’s new codes creatively.


Facebook has turned its video-focused attention to smaller screens, with The Next Web spotting a revamped Videos tab within the platform’s mobile app. As part of a limited trial being conducted with users in India, the expanded tab includes an endless stream of videos from your network – both from Pages you follow, as well as clips your friends have liked or shared – as well as surface videos from various categories like Entertainment, Comedy, Lifestyle, Animals, Sports and News.

See the trial in action here.


Don’t think it’s just President Trump getting fired up about White House antics on Twitter – former Twitter executive Nathan Hubbard has used the platform to voice his opinion regarding Mark Zuckerberg’s year-long tour of the U.S. (aka his 2020 presidential campaign, according to some people). In a viral tweetstorm, Hubbard laid out a convincing case for the real reason behind this tour – to better understand the impact Facebook and other social media platforms have in politics.

Read the flurry of tweets for yourself here.


In an attempt to address user backlash regarding the ever-changing algorithm, Instagram has begun testing a way to share posts with a more limited group of friends. Dubbed “favourites”, the feature attempts to improve on earlier social network friend lists, encouraging users to post more often by giving them more control over their audience.

Read more about this new test feature here.


YouTube has announced a major new milestone for its service – 1.5 billion monthly viewers, up from its previous public stat of “more than 1 billion”. “On average, our viewers spend over an hour a day watching YouTube on mobile devices alone,” CEO Susan Wojcicki added in a blog post making the announcement. 

Read more about YouTube’s announcement, including some new technology, here.



JADEN JAM: In one of the cheekiest campaigns to date, fashion designer Alexander Wang has teamed up with Trojan to design a line of branded condoms, temporary tattoos and t-shirts all promoting #ProtectYourWang.

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