Blog / 8 Jun 2017

#Newsfeed: Facebook to share location data with disaster relief organisations; Millennials are killing chain restaurants thanks to Instagram; Adland out of touch with ‘real Australians’



Plus how The Beatles ended up in the Billboard Artist 100 again.


A new initiative from Facebook will provide aid organisations with location data for users in affected areas, such as where people are marking themselves safe and from where they are fleeing. In a blog post and video, Facebook’s public policy research manager Molly Jackman explained the new “disaster maps” – which will be provided to UNICEF, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent, and the World Food Program to begin with – will include information on location density, movement and safety checks.

Read more about this new feature here.


Twitter wants to help prevent you from accidentally embarrassing yourself on the platform – so much so that Twitter’s app can now warn you in some situations if it detects that you may be trying to send a direct message, rather than a tweet. When you begin a reply with “DM,” Twitter’s app will display a prominent warning reminding you that you are not, in fact, sending a direct message. And while the warning may seem obvious, Twitter users have been falling victim to DM fails pretty much since the beginning of Twitter (according to Mashable at least).

Read more about this story here.


According to one journalist, the dining experience provided by casual chains in the U.S. just isn’t cutting it for Instagramming millennials – which is why these businesses are beginning to suffer. In an opinion piece for The Next Web, Carissa Lintao highlights that price isn’t necessarily the focus when it comes to eating out, the experience is. “When you make plans to go out for dinner what do you base your decisions on? I’ll break it down for you in one sentence; the restaurant’s environment. In other words, how instagrammable the experience is.”

Read more of what Lintao has to say about Instagramming millennials here.


One of music’s leading industry conferences has kicked off in Cannes, with streaming and hi-fi audio being among the hot topics discussed. Day One of Midem saw many panel discussions, including a panel featuring Simon Cole (CEO of 7digital), Andy Ng (VP at Tencent Music Entertainment) and Geir Skaaden (EVP chief product and services officer at XPERI) examining some of the new business models and partnerships that are emerging around streaming. “There are 100 million people paying to stream and maybe another 200 million streaming for three. There are three billion people listening to the radio every day. Those people are going to be the streamers of the future,” Cole explained. “The people who are going to become engaged with digital music from now on… are going to be those people who want some help. The question for me is what’s the entry model for those people? What’s the pricing model? How do you get them into the industry?”

Read more from Day One of Midem here.


Another big conference held yesterday was Mumbrella’s M360 event, which saw the debut of some very interesting information from ThinkTV’s first AdNation study. According to the survey of 1,636 advertising and media buying professionals and 1,016 average Australians, “industry professionals over-estimate what percentage of average Australians have used social media and subscription video on demand in the previous seven days, in some cases by a huge margin”. While an array of media consumption options were surveyed, it was the 27% overestimate of Facebook usage that stood out most.

Read more AdNation results here.



JADEN JAM: A Samsung employee allegedly stole 8,500 phones to pay off a gambling debt of nearly US$800,000.

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