Blog / 10 Mar 2017

#Newsfeed: Twitter is now marking entire profiles as ‘sensitive’; Why HBO’s ‘Game of Thrones’ Facebook live stunt was the worst; Amazon is getting involved in the music festival business



Plus someone has worked out a way to banish Instagram ads from your feed.


That annoying Facebook Messenger feature that hardly anyone uses, Messenger Day, has officially rolled out globally. While the similarities to Snapchat are pretty clear, The Next Web did point out one advantage of Messenger Day –  the ability to whitelist or blacklist specific people.

See more of what the feature has to offer here.


Mashable is reporting that in addition to a range of tools aimed at filtering abusive tweets, Twitter is now quietly marking entire accounts as “sensitive”. Instead of showing a profile image or tweets, the accounts have all visual content blocked and come with the caution “This profile may include potentially sensitive content.”

Read more about this story here.


Speaking of “sensitive” material online, artists Molly Soda and Arvida Byström have compiled a book of photos that have been banned on social media, with Instagram being the main offender. Speaking to The Independent, Soda explained that their book – titled “Pics or It Didn’t Happen” – highlights that “certain bodies are more acceptable.”

See some examples of the photos with questionable bans here.


Amazon plans to have an on-the-ground presence at music festivals in future, according to a job advertisement spotted by online publication Music Business Worldwide. The retail giant is looking for a Senior Program Manager, Music to “dramatically improve” the experience of the 32 million people that attend music festivals in the US each year.

Read more about this story here.


Well it seemed like a good idea at the time. HBO’s attempt to utilise a Facebook live video to announce the premiere date of season 7 of Game of Thrones has backfired, with the stream being disrupted an engagement being lacklustre.

Find out more about what went down here.



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