Blog / 18 May 2017

#Newsfeed: Facebook Live will now stream professional CrossFit; Instagram tests Location Stories; Five reasons nobody cares about your album



Plus how Twitter’s new update is giving power back to users.


Facebook has secured the right to stream professional CrossFit events and shows. Up until this point, CrossFit would stream events from it’s own site, but the move sees both YouTube and Facebook Live have rights. “We’re splitting our audience to a certain extent, but we also feel like we’re getting new lift and new engagement by having it on multiple platforms,” CrossFit Games General Manager Justin Bergh said in a statement.

Read more about this story here.


Twitter has unveiled a new set of privacy and data controls today that allow users to see and control how advertisers target them on the platform. The company explains in a blog post that it’s expanding individual access “to give you the most transparent access to your Twitter information to date, including demographic and interest data, and advertisers that have included you in their tailored audiences on Twitter”.

Read how to navigate the complicated process of opting-out of interests here.


TechCrunch is reporting that Instagram is testing a new Location Stories feature that compiles publicly shared Instagram Stories posts tagged with a location sticker. While is seems suspiciously similar to Snapchat’s “Our Story” functionality, the added advantage is that users can then visit that business, landmark or place’s Instagram page and watch a slideshow Story of posts from there shared by strangers they don’t follow.

Read more about this test here.


Apple Music is cutting back on one of its defining characteristics: album exclusives. In a recent interview with Music Business Worldwide, Apple exec Jimmy Iovine said that the streaming service plans to be less aggressive about obtaining exclusives in the future. “We tried it,” he said. “We’ll still do some stuff with the occasional artist. The labels don’t seem to like it and ultimately it’s their content.”

Read more about this story here.


Step aside Siri, Google Assistant is about to takeover the iPhone. In a host of product announcements made by Google at its I/O developer conference, VP of engineering assistant Scott Huffman unveiled the app, which is now available via the App Store.

Read more about this new iPhone addition here.



JADEN JAM: The coffee enthusiasts in our office need this – a phone case that brews espresso on the go!

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