Blog / 7 Mar 2019

#Newsfeed: Real Friends, How Many Of Us


Plus how to trade miles for beers

We’re leaving fake accounts in 2018

If you’ve been doing the dirty on Insta and engaging in illicit activity involving fake followers, bots or third party peddlers, now might be a good time to get your lawyer on the phone because Facebook is cracking down. Read more…

Stickers For You To Share This International Women’s Day 

This Friday 8th March is International Women’s Day and Facebook has got your back when it comes to sharing some empowered female content with a range of stickers exclusive to their stories. The catch being that you’d actually have to post a Facebook story to use them. Read more…

Pimp Out Your Google Business Page With This New Feature

Google has introduced a new option for you to make the most of your Google Business Profile with an “offers” section allowing you to curate business posts, product details and special offers ready for your audience to peruse straight from the Google results page. Read more… 

Do You Know What Facebook Is Doing With Your Digits

When you signed up for Facebook, you probably entered your phone number as part of their two factor authentication requirement. It’s been revealed that your number isn’t being kept private like you thought it was, users can actually search for you using it and there’s no opt out. Read more… 

An Athletic Innovation To Get You Moving With Purpose

One of your favourite athletic brands have launched an innovative activation centralised around a London pub that lets you trade miles for beer. The further you run, the more drinks are on the house. Read more… 

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