Blog / 14 Sep 2017

#Newsfeed: Facebook tests Bonfire group video chat as app and in Messenger; Instagram announces new ad options for Stories; Hundreds of musicians and publishers just filed legal paperwork against Spotify



Plus how teenage fangirls predict the future of culture.


Facebook has been quietly testing a new standalone group video chat app, called Bonfire, which allows up to eight friends to engage in conversation as well as use special effects, similar to those you’d find in apps like Instagram and Snapchat. According to TechCrunch, Bonfire also lets users join chats straight from Messenger without downloading Bonfire itself. While the Bonfire app is currently only available in Denmark, users with it can invite people from all over the world to join their chats via Messenger.

Read more about this new feature here.


Read more about this new option for Australian marketers here.


Instagram has announced some new ad options as it looks to help brands capitalise on the rising popularity of Stories. Brands will now have the ability to use Facebook’s immersive Canvas format within Instagram Stories ads, as well as be able to use content they’ve created within Stories for ads.

Read more about these new options here.


Spotify’s war with music publishers just got 100 times worse, thanks to the 100 notable musicians – including Tom Petty, Kenny Rogers and the Black Keys – who are filing legal paperwork to force Spotify to pay them more. The basis of the fight lies in the recently-drafted, $43 million settlement over unpaid mechanicals – a near-100% discount on the amount the musicians believe they are actually owed.

Read more about this breaking story here.



JADEN JAM: Steve Aoki has created specially tailored music for fitness group Zumba.

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