Blog / 15 Nov 2018

#Newsfeed: Twitter could finally catch up with an edit function


Plus an appeal against the censorship of your social content.

Could We Finally Be Getting An Edit Button On Twitter?


We’ve all been there, sent something into the twittersphere without noticing a major typo, with no choice but to delete because it’s 2018 but we still can’t edit our own text. Well, Twitter’s CEO has hinted that they might finally introduce the button we’ve all been waiting for. Read more…

Facebook Censorship Is Going Down

Have you ever had something innocent deleted from Facebook for no apparent reason? Well a whole bunch of civil liberties groups are taking a stand to make sure this doesn’t happen. Read more…

Triple J’s Ben & Liam Prove They’re The Twenty Something Kings Of Radio

The poster boys for millennial radio have proved themselves once again in the latest ratings, giving the big kids of commercial radio a run for their money. Read more…

Short Form Content Is So Hot Right Now, But How Do You Make People Feel Something In 6 Seconds?

As we consume more content than ever from a mobile device, the six-second ad has taken over our newsfeeds. Bitesize video might have top mobile viewership, but it appears to be at the sacrifice of emotional connection. Read more…


How To Up Your Insta Story Game, For Work Of Course

Here’s the research on what people want from your insta stories, so you can make the most out of the feature taking over the world of social media. Read more…

If The Phrase ‘Technical SEO’ Makes You Nervous Then Join The Club, And Definitely Take A Look At This

We all know how important SEO is to our marketing strategy, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty it turns out the technical side is actually kind of crucial. Here’s how to avoid simple mistakes, and make Google love you. Read more…

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